Dong Quai (Radix Angelicae Sinensis)
Latin Name: Radix Angelicae Sinensis
Type: Herb
Dong quai is a plant that belong to the carrots and celery family, with its root traditionally used as a blood tonic.
Also known as 'female ginseng', it helps to maintain healthy female hormones, therefore reducing common issues experienced by women, such as premenstrual cramp, breast tenderness etc, as well as menopause discomforts such as hot flushes.
In this modern society, many women are juggling between the many roles and commitments, such as working hard at work, taking care of children etc. Prolonged exposure to stress can be detrimental to a woman's hormonal health, causing it to be out of whack. When one is unwell, it is tough to perform these various roles well. Therefore, dong quai is an ideal herb to support women in achieving good health and her goals.
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